Ini merupakan script yang sangat mudah tapi kebanyakan orang bilang itu susah, sampai-sampai menunggu demonya dibuat oleh Theo Allen, tapi saya sudah tahu cara menggunakan script tersebut dan saya akan memberikan tutorial singkat:
- Buka Theo's Inventory Secure lalu copy script tersebut.
- Buka RPG Maker VX Ace lalu buka script lalu paste di Material namun diatas Main Process.
- Setelah script terpasang, pilih event yang akan dibuat Inventory Secure. (Scene setelah intro merupakan tempat terbaik untuk membuat event pada pertama kalinya)
- Klik event pertama lalu pilih "Script" (Tab 3 di bagian Advanced).
- Ketik secure_inv(x). (x merupakan banyaknya inventory yang ingin kamu secure, tergantung banyaknya actor yang ingin kamu secure)
Contoh seperti di layar tancap dibawah:
- Hal yang sama juga berlaku jika ingin berganti character lagi, jadi secure_inv(2) lalu get_inv(1) untuk mendapatkan kembali item dari actor utama.
- Sekarang, coba playtest game kamu, jika terjadi kesalah sayan akan mengirimkan video demo. Berlaku jika comment di blog ini.
Selamat Mencoba!
This is a easy script but many of them think that it was too difficult until they're waiting for Theo Allen to make this demo. But I know how to use this script and I'll give you some short tutorial:
- Open Theo's Inventory Secure and copy the script.
- Open RPG Maker VX Ace then open "script", then paste the script at Material above Main Process.
- Once the script is installed, select the event that will be created Inventory Secure. (Scene after the intro is the best place to make the event the first time).
- Click the first event and select "Script" ( Tab 3 in Advanced).
- Type secure_inv (x). (x is the amount of inventory you want to secure, depending on the number of actors who want to secure).
- Why should still secure_inv (1)? Because when the main actor get the items in the game, should remain in a secure in order that items that have been found not disappear when changing actors.
- The same thing applies if you want to change the character again, so secure_inv (2) and get_inv (1) to recover items from the main actor.
- Now, try to playtest your game, if it goes wrong I will send you a demo video. Applies if a comment on this blog.
Good Luck!
Script by: Theo Allen
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