Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

Crelixis Chronicles Update! "Desperation Attack"

Kalian pernah main Final Fantasy VI gk? Kalo iya, kalian pasti sudah tahu apa itu Desperation Attack. Desperation Attack adalah sebuah serangan depresi (alias panik) yang memberikan damage yang besar kepada musuhnya jika HP actor dibawah 25%.
Di project saya kali ini, saya akan menggunakan desperation attack kepada keempat actor saya.

Do you playing Final Fantasy VI? If you do, you already know what Desperation Attack is. Desperation Attack is the depression attack (aka panic) which gives huge damage to the enemies if the actor's HP below 25%.
In my project, I'll use desperation attack to all my four actors.

Layar Tancap/Screenshot:


New Banner

Sekarang saya sudah punya banner sendiri, silahkan digunakan dan jangan lupa follow yang laen!

<ahref="http:/" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Clouds Blog Banner_zpsai2fgrru.png"/></a>

Now I have my own banner, please use it if you want and don't forget to follow the others!

<ahref="http:/" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Clouds Blog Banner_zpsai2fgrru.png"/></a>

Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

Error solved

Terima kasih buat kk Theo dalam menyelesaikan masalah crits, akhirnya project dapat dilanjutkan tanpa da halangan lagi ^^"

Thank you for Theo with solving the crits problem, finally the project could be continue without any blocks.

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

You're entering the world of the Crelixis, ruled by the wise 
queen which makes the kingdom peaceful. The queen named 
Isolde ruled her empire under control. Many empires want
to allied with her. But she only want to allied with trusted

Several years later, after the empire grew better. We scope

to our empire knight, Marcus and the magician Elliana who
has been sent by the queen to retrieve the artifact named
"Mega Orb".

After they fight with enemies and traps, they finally arrive

at "Riamora Ruins".

What happend next after retriving the orb? Much story is coming up!


- Sideview Battle
- Desperation Attack (FFVI style)
- Powerful enemies and bosses
- And many more



- W.I.P

Script problem

Indonesia: Kesalahan script terjadi di project saya, saat mendapat critical hit langsung terjadi error seperti gambar di atas, saya perlu waktu untuk memperbaikinya. Kalau tidak, ini akan menjadi "Roadblock" terbesar!

English: Another script error happen in my project, when got critical hits instantly got error like that pic, I need time to fix it. If not, it's gonna be the biggest "Roadblock!"

Selasa, 26 Mei 2015


Selamat datang di blog saya, disini saya akan publish beberapa project ayng saya kerjakan di RPG Maker VX Ace. Selamat menikmati.